Here is how to reach us, so do not hesitate to do so, we will be happy to answer you



All the ways to reach us are mentioned below, you just need to pick the one that suits you best:

4 + 11 =


+41 22 368 08 08

Address: BEEDOO SA, Chemin des Chaumets 19B, CH-1277 Borex – Switzerland

David Croisier, CFA

David Croisier, CFA

Fonder & CEO de BEEDOO SA

After more than 20 years in the financial industry, specialised in risk and investment management.

Real Estate was and is always a no brainer.

This is why I have teamed up with specialists in the field in order to offer you the best developments and investment solutions, managing risks as strictly as possible while offering returns worthy of the name. This is why we have created a site dedicated to this area which concerns us all.

And as always, remember, BEEDOO: You are what you make of it …