Frequently Asked Questions

What type of investment is it ?

It is the financing of real estate promotions in Switzerland. It is the possibility to participate in the realization of projects with certain guarantees put in place to limit the risks to a minimum.

Who can invest ?

Swiss residents (minimum permit C) and Swiss nationals.

What is the minimum investment amount ?

The minimum investment is normally CHF 50’000.- however, for the first time, we offer the possibility to invest from CHF 25’000.- (depending on the project)

Is it a real estate investment fund ?

No, this is not a real estate investment fund and therefore there is no agio (corresponds to the difference between the stock market price and the net asset value of a fund), nor any management fees either.

Are they subject to withholding taxes ?

No, there is no withholding tax. However, profit sharing or interests are considered income.

Added safety

We are subject to FinSA created to strengthen your protection as an investor. For more information refer to the questions below and to the link: safety


The Financial Services Act (FinSA) seeks to: strengthen investor protection; define rules of behavior concerning the offering of financial instruments and the provision of financial services; creating a level playing field among financial service providers.

Ombudsman - mediation procedure ?

On 1 January 2020, the Financial Services Act (FinSA) entered into force. Under the FinSA, clients of financial service providers can avail themselves of an ombudsman procedure. For this purpose, the financial service providers must be affiliated to an ombudsman recognised by the Federal Finance Department (FDF).

Why this logo ?

Because we want to help you find the right parts that will allow you to build your project to reach your goals.

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